A teacher training session was conducted under the Jaipur Sahodaya Schools initiative. The two sessions, *TWO Hours*each, conducted by Mrs.Urvashi Warman Principal-The Palace School and Mrs.Kamaljeet Yadav, Principal Subodh Public School ,Rambagh respectively focused on enhancing teachers' creative writing pedagogy and integrating the SQAA framework for Schools.
Around 50 Participants from leading schools of Sahodaya -Jaipur Chapter engaged in interactive activities, fostering creative skills and aligning teaching practices with quality assurance standards.The session aimed to empower teachers with the skills to enhance creative writing in the classroom and Knowing the SQAA framework.
Creative Writing Workshop: Teachers engaged in practical learning with Mrs.Urvashi Warman ,Principal The Palace school ,where they explored various creative writing techniques, prompts, and strategies to inspire students.
SQAA Framework: Principal Mrs.Kamaljeet Yadav ,Subodh Public School provided insights into the SQAA framework, emphasizing its significance in maintaining educational quality and excellence
The session featured interactive discussions where teachers shared ideas and best practices for effective implementation.
Teachers were encouraged to develop action plans to incorporate SQAAF for their school's self assessment.
The session concluded with teachers providing feedback on the training's effectiveness, ensuring continuous improvement for future initiatives.
It is expected that this initiative will positively impact the quality of education in Jaipur Sahodaya Schools.