Membership Details

Membership Details

  1. The Annual Subscription Fee for a new member joining the Sahodaya is Rs.8000/- (Eight thousand only).
  1. A member is required to pay the complete amount irrespective of joining the Sahodaya anytime during the financial year.
  1. The Membership Renewal Fee for existing members is Rs. 5000/- (Five thousand only).
  1. The yearly membership renewal is due on 1st of April every year. The delay in renewal of membership may attract as penalty as tabled below:
  1. Membership renewal fee till 30th June                       : Rs. 5000/-
  2. Membership renewal fee after 30th June                  : Rs. 5500/-
  3. Membership renewal fee after 31st July                    : Rs. 6000/-
  4. Membership renewal fee after 31st August              : Rs. 6500/-
  5. After 30th  September                                                      : membership expires
  1. Once the Membership expires, the member can renew their membership only in the next session after registering as a “New Member” by paying the Annual Subscription Fee of Rs. 8000/- (Rupees Eight thousand only).
  1. The Cheque / Demand Draft will be drawn in favour of JAIPUR SAHODAYA SCHOOLS COMPLEX payable at JAIPUR.
  1. The Registration Form and the Annual Subscription/ Membership Renewal Fee must be sent to:

Mr. Ashok Vaid
Jaipur Sahodaya Schools Complex

Campus: Maheshwari Public School
Sector – 4, Jawahar Nagar
Jaipur – 302004

  1. The period of Annual Subscription / Membership Renewal shall be the financial year from 1st April to 31st March.


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